We Got What We Didn’t Pay For

We Got What We Didn’t Pay For

It is amazing that the stage for the inauguration didn’t collapse under the weight of the money hoarded by those on that stage. Trump hopes to appoint 13 billionaires to various positions in his cabinet and government, whose total net assets are approximately $420...
Children Know Best

Children Know Best

A few weeks ago, I was having breakfast with my son and my nine-year-old grandson, Simon. Simon would pause from eating to work on a math problem with his dad, multiplying 2 three-digit numbers. Watching this prompted me to ask Simon about jellybeans, true story....
It’s Game On, Not Over

It’s Game On, Not Over

What do you plan to talk about at the dinner table this Thanksgiving? The Dodgers…or excessive wealth disorder (EWD)?!  This year’s World Series was quite a show, but discussing it could be quite divisive, whereas EWD–that a few people hoarding excessive amounts...
Democracy, Excessive Wealth and Jellybeans

Democracy, Excessive Wealth and Jellybeans

One unintended consequence of this election is that we are by now overfamiliar with and becoming desensitized to things such as plutocracy, autocracy and even fascism. Autocracy, just a hop, skip and a jump away from plutocracy, is globally on the rise, as the New...
All-In…Last Call

All-In…Last Call

This isn’t poker. It’s democracy. And it’s time to take one’s 501c3 chips and put them all on the table to support voter engagement and election protection.  The Crises Charitable Commitment’s mission is to encourage donors to simply give more, without specifying...
WOW (and a Fourth Anniversary)

WOW (and a Fourth Anniversary)

Have you been reading the newspaper? What a month! I’m writing this letter on July 27, the one-month anniversary of the Presidential Debate, and I’m asking myself: When was the last time we’ve experienced thirty days like the last thirty?! The debate; the withdrawal...