URTs and Philanthropy

URTs and Philanthropy

What timing! Even before last week’s explosive revelations by ProPublica that billionaires have perfected the art of not paying taxes, Senator Van Hollen and Congressman Don Beyer had planned to reintroduce their Millionaires Surtax (MS). The MS, a 10% income tax...
Whitewashing the Rich

Whitewashing the Rich

The Crisis Charitable Commitment was launched last July in response to the double whammy hitting nonprofits: greater-than-ever need while revenue sources such as galas or ticket sales were shut down. Three weeks ago the Wall Street Journal published an important...
Taxes, The Morning After

Taxes, The Morning After

Yesterday was Tax Day, when most Americans ante up their fair share to, as Oliver Wendell Holmes, former Justice of the United States Supreme Court said, “pay for a civilized society.” Unfortunately one group of taxpayers–the rich–have figured out how to upend the...
Earth Day and the CCC

Earth Day and the CCC

April 22nd is a very important day: it’s my granddaughter’s eleventh birthday (which is a YO)! It also happens to be Earth Day, a day of pronouncements focused on saving the planet so that my granddaughter and all grandchildren have a healthy earth to call home a...
Two Senators and the CCC

Two Senators and the CCC

Senators Klobuchar and Warren have introduced two seemingly unrelated bills, but they could be, in part, two sides of the same coin (an appropriate cliché here because we’re talking about money). Senator Amy Klobuchar has introduced a bill that provides $50 billion to...
The Four Questions

The Four Questions

If you haven’t had matzo (or matzah)–smothered with cream cheese–I highly recommend it. This is one of the world’s great comfort foods, so great that most people will abstain from such ecstasy for most of the year and eat it only over a period of eight days during one...