Make The Charitable Commitment

Signing onto the Crisis Charitable Commitment means agreeing to contribute at or above the following minimums to nonprofits (but not less than $100,000).

Get help determining your mininum qualifying distribution with our Chairitable Commitment Calculator
Private Foundations | Donor-Advised Funds | Individuals or Families

The Crisis Charitable Commitment


Minimum Qualifying Charitable Giving 
at Representative Asset Levels

Marginal Rates

Endowment/Asset Size

Qualifying Distribution

Effective Rate


$50,000,000 or less





Above $50,000,000





Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs)

Fixed percentage


$1,000,000 or less






Marginal rate

Net Wealth

Qualifying Gift

Effective Rate

$20,000,000 or less


$20,000,000 or less


$21 million to $50 million





$51 million to $250 million





$251 million to $1 billion





Greater than $1 billion





Will You Join The Crisis Charitable Commitment?

Please choose the appropriate form

Form for Private Foundations

Use the Charitable Commitment Calculator to determine your minimum qualifying contribution

Please enter numbers in thousands, e.g., $12,350,000 would be entered as 12,350.

Form for Donor-Advised Funds

Use the Charitable Commitment Calculator to determine your minimum qualifying contribution.

Please enter numbers in thousands, e.g., $12,350,000 would be entered as 12,350.

Form for Individuals or Families

Use the Charitable Commitment Calculator to determine your minimum qualifying contribution

Please enter numbers in thousands, e.g., $12,350,000 would be entered as 12,350.

The Crisis Charitable Commitment is committed to protecting your privacy and confidential information in accordance with state and federal law.

  1. The Charitable Commitment is based on total contributions made to 501c3 or 501c4 organizations of your choice in your fiscal year, either on a cash or accrual basis (signatory chooses).
  2. Current year amounts include those made to date in or for this fiscal year, plus a reasonable estimate of contributions planned throughout the remainder of the year.
  3. All contribution amounts are based on reasonable estimates, rounded to the nearest $100,000.
  4. All contributions are annualized, i.e., if it is a multi-year contribution, divide total contribution by the number of years of gift.
  5. Reasonable related expenses may be included.
  6. The calculation is based on the endowment or net worth (the denominator) as of the previous end of fiscal year.
  7. For individuals, contributions to private foundations or donor- advised funds are counted only to the extent that they are distributed out to nonprofits in the same calendar year.
  8. One may choose to remain anonymous, but it is strongly preferred that the signatory’s name be public in order to have the greatest infuence on other donors.
  9. The information one provides is self monitored and donors may resubmit numbers at any time.